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The CRC completed its work and submitted its final report. This website is maintained for archival purposes.

Florida Constitution Revision Commission

PUB 700478: Florida's Heritage by Loyal Millett


Catchline: Florida's Heritage


We, the People of the State of Florida, do acknowledge that our State, throughout her history, was involved in shameful and inexcusable practices such as the enslavement of Africans, the massacre and forced relocation of the Native Americans, seceding from the American Union and fighting against our fellow citizens, and the forced segregation and inhumane treatment of African-Americans.

We, the State of Florida, do express our sorrow and regret for the State's involvement in these atrocities. But in the spirit of E Pluribus Unum, we must never forget our State's troubled history, and we must move forward with the intention of never letting history repeat itself.

Therefore, the State of Florida does hereby enact the following:

(a) No national, naval or battle flag of the former Confederate States of America shall be flown from any building, structure, facility, courthouse, jailhouse, or park that is owned and/or operated by the State, the counties, and/or the municipalities. The encased displaying of such flags within museums or at historical sites shall not be infringed. This subsection does not impair the First Amendment Rights of the People to display such flags on their personal property or their person; provided such display does not disturb or breach the peace.

(b) All State and local memorials, statues, monuments, and cemeteries to soldiers of the Confederate Army shall be retained; but any and all public memorials, statues, monuments or markers that commemorate any specific person or event in connection with the aforesaid atrocities shall be dismantled and removed, as provided by law.

(c) No county, public building, roads, highways, bridges, beaches, rivers, lakes, creeks, natural landmarks, airports, or public parks shall be named after any person, place, or event that is in connection with the aforesaid atrocities.

(d) The Legislature shall pass necessary legislation to enact the provisions of this section. The State of Florida shall cooperate with such localities and the Federal Government, wherever necessary, to enact the provisions of this section.

(e)(1) In a manner to be provided by State and Federal law, the State of Florida shall replace any or both of its official statues within the National Statuary Hall Collection no less than every 12-years. The State shall allow its citizens to submit proposals for the said Collection, provided such proposals shall not include any individual who has any connection with the aforesaid atrocities.

(2) The State may establish an official hall of fame to commemorate her citizens and other individuals who have contributed to the State's growth, culture, heritage, and development. Any statue that is replaced within the National Statuary Hall Collection may be deposited in the said hall of fame.